TeamLogic IT of Lafayette, LA
315 South College Road, Suite 215
Lafayette, Louisiana 70503
If your e-mail isn’t protected from dangerous spam, viruses and spyware, the cost of damages can be extremely high: faltering productivity, lost sales opportunities, and even damage to your reputation.
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eamLogic IT can protect you from spam whether you are connected to your network or not. - Our powerful Spam Blocker requires zero client installations and features an intuitive GUI making it easy for administrators to use.
- Preventing spam helps extend the life of your e-mail server because it won’t have to work so hard dealing with superfluous email.
Our filters fight back against spam. Stop spam, viruses, phishing attacks and other unwanted messages from ever reaching your network. Our highly-available hosted solutions block up to 99.9% of spam before delivering legitimate messages to your existing mail system. Even better, they are completely managed by TeamLogic IT and our partners, so there is no equipment to support or logs to monitor.
- Easily integrates into existing infrastructure
- Real-time protection updated constantly
- Completely hosted - no hardware or software required
- Protects inbound and outbound e-mail
- Disaster Recovery - holds e-mail until your servers are back online
- Low monthly fixed-rate
Take a proactive stance with TeamLogic IT. We help ensure your system work reliably and consistently. Call us today.